Wednesday, April 22, 2009


I've been missing! And all I've got in my arsenal are excuses, none of which are particularly great, so I won't go into them. Seeing as how I'm also rather irritable and cranky these days(apparently I am no longer a pleasant pregnant person?????) I'd probably just sound whiny to my own ears, so again I'll spare ya!
Lots going on, I am now 14 weeks into this pregnancy and I must say it already feels like I've been pregnant FOREVER... not good eh, we've got a long way to go baby! However the yucks seem to be on their way out and I am able to enjoy gag free days barring I do not encounter any egg smells, bacon, BBQ, or some other random whiff of a strong odor, HA!! I also experience a few strange aversions during early pregnancy... to my camera(not good), editing pics(not good either), and to the computer in general?? Weird I know, and it's not even just a little thing but a full blown can't stand the thought because it makes me nauseous! Thankfully that too is almost completely gone now and despite it all I have actually taken a few pics here and there :0) On a more positive note.. I've been making huge progress on the to do list, I guess my nesting phase begins a little early because I can't stand clutter right now! I usually like organization but liking it and making it happen in real life don't keep the same company in my house on a non pregnant day, so this part's been nice! Lots of laundry being done!!!
The kiddos have been up to the usual keeping us on our toes and laughing! We enjoyed a wonderful Easter weekend with family and friends and still have loads and loads of candy to prove it! I started a "new" thing for their baskets this year from an idea I got off another blog a stalk :0) instead of tons of candy and "trinkets" I filled their baskets with "something you want(candy & tattoos!), something you "need"(i improvised a little there...they needed new coloring books, right???), something to wear(new swim suits), and something to read(Dr. Seuss)" I thought it was a neat way to keep it fun without going overboard on CANDY... it was a hit too, they loved it!!!

And one quick one of their Easter attire... which will also be a featured outfit in his 2 yr old pics, provided I ever get around to taking them :0)
Well I've got LOTS more I need to post and I'm actually feelin' kinda bloggy, so who knows, I might just blow your mind with a few posts several days in a row, lol!! We'll see :0) Until then, tata!!


Annie said...

I am glad you are feeling better. I remember when I was just ten weeks with Ruby, I thought I had been pregnant FOREVER. The end of pregnancy does seem to speed up quite a bit. Great pics of your adorable kids! Keep em coming!

Jennifer Walker said...

Love the Easter outfits! Your kids are super cute.

Taylor and Jessica Hagan said...

We've missed you, Mandi! Glad you're feeling better:) Love the Easter basket idea!

Melissa said...

glad you started posting again :)