Friday, August 22, 2008


and didn't even know it :0P So I'm WWAAAYYYY late in posting this cuz I'm a big dork and wasn't paying attention :0) Sorry Sandy but thanks for taggin' me, I love these games!!!

What does Mommy always say to you? I love you!

What makes Mommy happy? "ummmm... Obeying!!"

What makes Mommy sad? "not obeying", she says while shaking her head and pooching out her lip, ha!

How does Mommy make you laugh? Tickles

How old is mommy? 4.

How tall is Mommy? "This much", as she reaches above her head and jumps.

What doesn't Mommy like to do? "ummm... me? Not to get me in trouble."

What is Mommy's job? "ummm when she um works on the computer and me... to take pitures of me & Xanderman" :0)

How do you know Mommy loves you? soooo much :0)

I've always thought the perspective and perception of little ones was so fun and cute!! And what do you know I've even stumbled upon a pic of my little miss sassy pants with me in it!!


Kina said...

So cute! I could just see her little facial expressions in her answers!!

Brandon said...

Hey Mandi! So I just started this whole blogging thing! Great to catch up on ur life! Time has flown by! How u guys doin?