Tuesday, February 10, 2009

What's that?

...a hat.
Crazy, funky, junky hat
Overslept, hair's unsightly
Tryin' ta look like Keira Knightley
We've been there, we done that
We see right thru your funky hat :0)
Thank you Alex & Harper and Wizards of Waverly Place, very well said and so catchy it sticks in your head... for hours, esp. when your 4 year old daughter likes it too!! Anyway... I've been on a hat kick lately and I love me a cute funky ChuNky hat with poms, strings, bright colors, polka dots... you name it, it's all good!! Mini size it for a newborn and that makes it all the more delicious soooooo... that said, my super cool friend Katie inspired me to explore my creative side and learn a new craft. I've joined the Knifty Knitter's out there and I have to say I'm LOVIN' it!! This is my first attempt... a flat top beanie! I loved this yarn, it reminds me of confetti cake...YUMMMM!!

My impatience got the best of me but I didn't have a "newborn" so I improvised, she was a great model :0)

So now I'm pretty much hooked(like I need another hobby ;0) but it's fun!! This is the substance of my next project and hopefully it will soon become my first newborn peanut shell... and a beanie... and a scarf for Alora ;0)

And I will now be scouring the yarn anywhere I can find it for the next fun texture or colorful fiber to add to my stash... so far, Hobby Lobby is a hit!!


Mom's Club said...

wow, you go girl! sounds like fun, kayli would love a hat and scarf to when you have the time...ha! missing you already!!! see ya this weekend, happy knitting!

twingrlsplus1 said...

I LOVE the Wizards song..lol...we sing it here all the time, very cute. As for the new knitting talent wow!! This is the cutest hat...the material is adorable, LOVE it!!

Pambo said...

Lovin' that hat. It is very impressive. The new yarn color is fabulous. Missed you at Bible Study today.

Unknown said...

Love the song. It is very catchy! Also, great job on the hat! Looks adorable. Told you the Knifty Knitter makes it so easy!

Mandi said...

Thanks everyone!! Katie, you were so ooo right, it is super easy... as in, this hat took about 30 minutes, 45 tops!!!

Thanks Pam, I thought you might like the new yarn color too :0) Lovin' that red!! I'm really missing everyone in Bible Study too :0( I'm doing my Zumba classes on Tuesday mornings now so I'm going to the evening bible study, which is AWESOME too, just so many choices!

Mandi said...

wow... how many times can I say too?!

Stacy said...

hey girl I love the hat and I think we have found a new fun hobby! Love your model too. Are u making the peanut shell
on the big one?
I went to hobby lobby today and got the twelve peg but it's not that brand it's wood not sure how I will like it. I'll let you know how easy the flower is when I find instructions.
I also couldn't beleive how much the yarn could cost I found some on clarence.
Can't wait to see the peanut shell

Jolly Green said...

can I get a GREEN one...?

laura said...

Hey good job Mandi! Maybe I should have another baby so that you can make me one;)

Kristal {Love, Grace & Hope} said...

Yes, I definitely want to breastfeed and that's one thing that makes me nervous about a c-section...that I won't be able to try it right away and then it won't work at all. So thank you for sharing. I certainly needed that encouragement. :)